AI-light iPhone 13

Dramatically improve your machine learning knowledge in a few minutes every day

Papers selected, summarized, highlighted


Technical summaries of top machine learning research papers


Learn key paper concepts in less than 10 minutes


The most disparate fields of research and application


Requires no specific expertise in any of the fields covered

Why waste hours reading an entire publication if you can access its technical summary in one touch?


Learn more in less time

Maybe you thought about it…

Maybe you've already started…

…but reading and studying machine learning papers is hard and it takes so much time.

Not with AI-light!

With a large collection of summaries, you can delve into the AI topics you like best or that are related to your field of study / work … in less than 10 minutes!

AI-light iPhone 13 scene

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Being able to read a publication in a few minutes will incredibly boost your AI learning process, but…

…on AI-light you will not find one summary per publication, but TWO.


~2 mins reading time

The brief summary is ideal if you are just curious about the paper and you want a general idea about its core contents, the problem it faces and how it tries to solve it.

It's not the usual abstract…

New paper meme
AI-light Candy Crush Long Summary


~8 mins reading time

Did you get interested in the paper reading the brief summary and you want to go more into its details?

The long summary is for you!

It's perfect if you want to know each relevant detail about the original paper but without too many formulas and (very often) irrelevant performance comparison tables.

Yes, the text is a summary, but it's still technical. It's not a news article, nor the paper itself.

To read the summaries you are not required to have a deep knowledge about the subject.

You will be fine just by knowing the machine learning basics.

How can you read about research on topics you don't have expertise in?

Because we take care of it!

Both summaries (in different degrees) will gently introduce you to the preparatory concepts useful for understanding what the original publication talks about.

However, do not expect the app to be filled with all the papers that are published every day!

The content you will find on AI-light has been accurately selected, providing you only the most valuable papers in the field.

What are you waiting for??